
Chesterfield County ARES is a group of dedicated licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time, qualifications, and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.

Chesterfield County ARES is a part of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the District 1 Virginia Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) program.

If you would like to know more about Chesterfield County ARES, please send an email to kn4lqn at arrl.net.

If you would like to join the Chesterfield County ARES team, fill out the ARES Registration Form (FSD-98) and email to kn4lqn at arrl.net.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)David Elkins KN4LQN
Assistant EC (AEC)Tom Ebbert KG4BIZ
Assistant EC (AEC)Bill Catogni N4WLC
District EC (DEC)Glenn Wells KY4LP
Section EC (SEC)Martin Krupinski KE4KEW
Section Manager (SM)Jack Smith KE4LWT
Voice Net

The Chesterfield County ARES net is a directed net that meets each Tuesday evening at 2100 hours on the 147.360 repeater, which uses a positive offset and no tone (127.3 when needed). The purpose of the net is for training, announcements, and general fellowship for the amateur radio community, with the emphasis on emergency communication.

There is NO requirement to be an ARES member, and all properly licensed amateurs who are within range of the repeater, regardless of location or affiliation, are invited & encouraged to participate in the net. One feature of the net is the "Training Topic for Discussion", which is intended to be a way to learn more about amateur radio, emergency preparedness, and general safety.

Chesterfield County ARES Net Script (PDF) (DOC)
Last Updated: 06/26/2024

Chesterfield County ARES ICS-205 Communications Plan (PDF) (DOC)
Last Updated: 06/25/2024

Blank Net Log (PDF) (DOC)
Last Updated: 06/25/2024